Trivia Night Answer Sheet Template

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Answer sheet templates help in reducing the hassle of developing new answer sheets every time. These templates can serve as samples that can be customized as per requirements. You may also see Fact Sheet Templates. Tips to Create Answer Sheet Templates. Answer sheet templates can be created in excel, word or PDF formats. These templates. This kit includes everything you’ll need to host and manage a live virtual trivia night, including a signup sheet, a score sheet, the slide presentation that will display the trivia questions and reveal the answers, the forms each player or team will use to submit their answers, and even a curated selection of classic memes placed on each.

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Right-click to
download this file
This is an Excel file that you can use to keep record each team's marks and the overall scores during a table-quiz. It shows:
  • Each team's total marks based on the rounds so far
  • The current top score
  • Based on colour-coding, the teams with the top and bottom total scores:
    Redcells are the highest scores
    Greenones are the lowest
    The colour coding is updated automatically each time you enter more marks form a quiz-round.

An empty quiz-marking score tracker spreadsheet

How to use the file

Trivia template word
  • Download the Excel file from the top of this page (right click on the picture, and choose save-link-as, or similar)
  • Save it to your computer
  • Add more columns (see below), if you have more than ten rounds in your quiz.
  • When the teams have registered, enter them into the Table Name column.
  • Add more rows (see below), if you have more than 15 teams entered.
  • After each round, the markers or marking-co-ordinator enters the score for each team - and the formulas will calculate automatically.

How to add more teams to the spreadsheet

If your table-quiz has more than 10 teams taking part, then:
  • Select the number of rows that you need to add, somewhere in between the current rows 2 and 14.
  • Right-click with your mouse on the selected area
  • Choose Insert from the pop-up menu
  • Type the names of the extra teams into column B

How to add more question-rounds to the spreadsheet

If your table-quiz has more than 10 rounds of questions then:

Trivia Night Answer Sheet Template 50 Questions

Free Printable Trivia Answer Sheet

  • Select the number of columns that you need to add (one per extra round), somewhere in between the current columns D and K.
  • Right-click with your mouse on the selected area
  • Choose Insert from the pop-up menu
  • Type the numbers of the extra rounds into row 2