Stata Student Version Free Download

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Stata is a data science software by StataCorp LLC. The software provides a statistical environment for students and professionals. It allows data management and renders them into graphical representations. This is perfect for reporting statistical results where users present reproducible statistical data on important reports. If you want free statistical software, use R. The learning curve is steep, but the user community is great. Don’t go looking for free versions of STATA. For all you know, they’re loaded with malware.


With a point-and-click interface, an intuitive command syntax, and online help, Stata is easy to use, fast, and accurate. All analyses can be reproduced and documented for publication and review.

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Stata puts hundreds of statistical tools at your fingertips, from advanced techniques, such as survival models with frailty, dynamic panel data (DPD) regressions, generalized estimating equations (GEE), multilevel mixed models, models with sample selection, multiple imputation, ARCH, and estimation with complex survey samples; to standard methods, such as linear and generalized linear models (GLM), regressions with count or binary outcomes, ANOVA/MANOVA, ARIMA, cluster analysis, standardization of rates, case-control analysis, and basic tabulations and summary statistics.

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Visit the Stata website for additional product information.

Stata/MP is the fastest and largest edition of Stata. Virtually any current computer can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing of Stata/MP. This includes the Intel i3, i5, i7, i9, Xeon, and Celeron, and AMD multi-core chips. On dual-core chips, Stata/MP runs 40% faster overall and 72% faster where it matters, on the time-consuming estimation commands. With more than two cores or processors, Stata/MP is even faster.


Stata/MP, Stata/SE, and Stata/IC all run on any machine, but Stata/MP runs faster. You can purchase a Stata/MP license for up to the number of cores on your machine (maximum is 64). For example, if your machine has eight cores, you can purchase a Stata/MP license for eight cores, four cores, or two cores.

Stata/MP can also analyse more data than any other edition of Stata. Stata/MP can analyse 10 to 20 billion observations given the current largest computers, and is ready to analyse up to 1 trillion observations once computer hardware catches up.

Stata/SE and Stata/IC differ only in the data set size that each can analyse. Stata/SE and Stata/MP can fit models with more independent variables than Stata/IC (up to 10,998). Stata/SE can analyse up to 2 billion observations.

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Stata/IC allows data sets with as many as 2,048 variables and 2 billion observations. Stata/IC can have at most 798 independent variables in a model.

Numerics by Stata can support any of the data sizes listed above in an embedded environment.

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For a complete list of available features, visit the Stata website.