Shriman Yogi Marathi Ebook

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shriman yogi this is a biographical novel on Shivaji Maharaj. This historical novel has created history in the world of literature and books. Shivaji Maharaj is the most worshipped person in Maharashtra. Every single household here knows Shivaji. He is the most respected and worshipped character. He was a dream come true. Shivaji was born as a Hindu but at such time when Hinduism was forgotten by the Hindus.

In shriman yogi Ranjit Desai pictures Shivaji from his birth rather he starts with the days prior to his birth. Before writing this novel Desai has searched history, he has not left any stone unturned while doing so. Writing on Shivaji was a very difficult task. Shivaji had many qualities and the last 34 centuries have changed people`s view about him.

Shriman yogi marathi book pdf download

They have become more possessive about him adding unnecessarily, and untruthfully to his qualities considering him a god. On this background it was very difficult to portray Shivaji as perfect as possible Desai had realised his responsibility. He has pictured Shivaji meticulously in this novel. Religious but not superstitious, strict but not wicked, adventurous but not impetuous, practical but not aimless, realistic, visionary but not dreamy. Graceful but not prodigal. Desai has succeeded in highlighting Shivaji`s human nature. His base was that of a human. He valued all, respected every religion. निश्चयाचा महामेरू। बहुत जनांसी आधारू अखंड स्थितीचा निर्धारू। श्रीमंत योगी।।श्रीमान योगी शिवाजी महाराजांच्या जीवनावरील प्रसिध्द ऐतिहासिक कादंबरी.

श्रीमान योगी
Author: रणजित देसाई
Publisher: मेहता प्रकाशन
Price: $24.52 20% OFF ( ~1150 Pages, R600)*
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Shriman Yogi Marathi Shriman Yogi is a book about Shivaji Maharaj. There are various books written on Shivaji Maharaj, King of Maratha Kingdom. This is one of my favourite. This book focuses on the struggle Maharaj faced in his life while building a nation. Worth read by all Marathi speakers. Hard Copy Price: 10% OFF R 575 R 517 / $ 7.39.

  1. Shriman yogi marathi book online shriman yogi this is a biographical novel on Shivaji Maharaj. This historical novel has created history in the world of literature and books.
  2. Shriman yogi in marathi pdf free download Shriman Yogi by Ranjit Desai. Shriman Yogi by Ranjit Desai A Book Based on Life Of Shivaji Maharaj. ( कर्मभूमि) by Munshi Premchand Hindi ebook pdf Digital, Ebook Pdf, Ebooks. Shriman Yogi - Free ebook download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or read book online for free.

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'श्रीपायाशी जडलेली नजर सुटू नये याचसाठी राजांचे जोडे उराशी कवटाळून श्रीमंत सकल-सौभाग्य-संपन्न पुतळाबाई राणीसाहेब सती गेल्या. त्यांची आठवण म्हणून ही चरितकहाणी.'
-- रणजित देसाईShriman yogi marathi ebook download
'निश्चयाचा महामेरू
बहुत जनांसी आधारू
अखंड स्थितीचा निर्धारू
श्रीमंत योगी ऽ'
-- श्रीसमर्थ रामदासस्वामी
Reader Comments:

Yashwant Vitthalrao Nikam writes on Fri Jan 31 07:19:20 2020:
आमच्या साठी भागवत गीते प्रमाणेच आहे. हिंदूह्दयसम्राट छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज हे आपले आराध्य दैवत. त्यांच्या महान कारकिर्दीविषयी जाणून घेण्यासाठी हि कादंबरी जरूर वाचा. महाराजांचा आदर्श समोर ठेऊन आपले वर्तन असे शुध्द ठेवा की भारताबाहेरील लोक म्हणाले पाहिजेत की 'कसा असेल तो महान राजा की ज्या मृत्यूच्या ४०० वर्षानंतर जन्माला येणारेही त्याचे इतके कट्टर भक्त होतात.' जय हिंद जय शिवराय

Swati Koulekar writes on Wed Jul 11 09:02:30 2018:
जरब भवानी ची. .. सत्ता बत्तिस मणा ची..

Neelakanth Marathe writes on Sat Jun 9 08:36:43 2018:
आजपर्यंत ५ ते ६ वेळा वाचले आहे. पुन्हा पुन्हा वाचावेसे वाटणारे पुस्तक. शिवाजी महाराज आमचे दैवत. कितीही वेळा वाचले तरी कंटाळा येणार नाही.Law of diminishing marginal utility चा सर्वात मोठा अपवाद म्हणजे हे पुस्तक आहे.

NITESH SUBHASH DHARAMTHOK writes on Mon Nov 13 10:17:57 2017:
श्रीमान योगी हे नावच फक्त माझ्या राजासाठी पुरेस आहे. माझा राजा देव नव्हता , पण त्याच्यामुळे आज देवळात देव आहे. हर हर महादेव.......

vishal samadhan daitkar writes on Sat Aug 19 13:18:06 2017:
Aamhi shivpremi

Rucha dhavale patil writes on Fri Aug 18 13:28:57 2017:

Sangran jathar writes on Sat Aug 5 13:53:04 2017:
Jhale bahut ani hotil bahut. Raja to rajach. .manacha Raja ani raajach mn

avinash dod writes on Mon Jul 17 13:59:14 2017:
just read..chatrapati shivaji was not just a great maratha warrior..but he was generous by heart..throw this book we can assume how any person should face difficulty in his life with braveness and should be patriotic towards your own country and makes u cry while reading...this book teach us how to live life and face can inspire u r self throw life journey of chatrapati shivaji maharaj.jay bhawani jay shivaji

Dinesh Dhuri writes on Wed Jul 12 21:18:09 2017:
Khupach Chan 'Shreeman Yogi' Shivrayancha Itihas Ashya Swarupat Vachatana Dhannya Zalo.

विशाल पाटील ठाकरे 9850590937 writes on Tue May 16 03:02:19 2017:
माझा राजा शिवछञपति बस...

OMKAR JADHAV writes on Fri May 12 20:39:00 2017:
1 ch number ,JAY SHIVRAY

Respected Sir...Apan jyaprakare Shabdanchi mandni keli,Sampurn abyas karun jyaprakare itihaas vachakansamor mandla..kharach khup apratim ahe..Mihi aple likhit pustak vachle ahe...khup chaan anubhav milala...mla vatat dusrya itihaas lekhakani sudda apala adarsh ghyava.!! writes on Sat May 6 19:34:11 2017:
Respected Sir...Apan jyaprakare Shabdanchi mandni keli,Sampurn abyas karun jyaprakare itihaas vachakansamor mandla..kharach khup apratim ahe..Mihi aple likhit pustak vachle ahe...khup chaan anubhav milala...mla vatat dusrya itihaas lekhakani sudda apala adarsh ghyava.!!

Ghansham khanchandani writes on Mon Mar 20 02:12:40 2017:
I have read this book thrice,and currently I m reading it fourth time, we might have tears in our eyes while watching a movie, a play but having tears while reading a book is something rare i guess, and for that i salute shri Ranjit Desai.I havent read a book as this till date.Someone in above comments mentioned this book as NOVEL, may b i m mistaken, but please dont mention the books on Shivaji Maharaj as NOVEL,its a humble request, i dont intend to offend anyone.We can call it a book, if not a GRANTH.FOR ME ITS A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION, READING THIS BOOK HAS ALWAYS GIVEN ME STRENGTH TO OVERCOME MY PROBLEMS.

Rahul Dumbare writes on Tue Feb 21 08:38:04 2017:
Khupch sunder, jay shivray...

Mayur Kadam writes on Fri Feb 10 08:28:32 2017:
Mi pustak vachalele nahi parantu tumchi hindu dharamnishta pahun ur Bharun aala aahe jar pratyakshat jar hi dharmabhimanachi jyot sarv hridyat jagrut kelyas khup khup bar hoil ani sarv aaplya dharmanusar vagtil

vinod patil writes on Wed Feb 8 07:39:43 2017:
shrimaan yogi he shiv charitra vachat astana maan bharun yete aani dholyant aasharu tarangtat. kharch he Shiv Charitra sarvani vachayala pahije...Shrimaan Yogi nichyaacha mahameru hindvi swaraj sansthapak chhatrapati SHRI CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ KI JAI!!!

Nitin Musale writes on Sun Feb 5 18:04:30 2017:
खरच खुप छान आहे

Nitin sonawane writes on Thu Jan 5 18:03:32 2017:
Shreeman yogi hi kadambari vachalyane jivanache laksh kalte

vaibhav sitaram ranjane writes on Thu Nov 24 09:27:03 2016:
जगदंब राजांचा इतिहास तर लहान पणापासुनच माहीत होता, पण संपुर्ण शिव चरित्र श्रीमान योगी या महान ग्रंथातुन वाचायला मिळाले. त्यामुळे महाराजांच्या बद्दल अधिक माहीती मिळाली. सर्व शिवभक्त आणि नविन तरुण पिढीने हा ग्रंथ वाचलाच पाहीजे. खुप प्रेरणा मिळेल. जय भवानी जय शिवाजी

snehal writes on Tue Nov 1 16:44:51 2016:
guys can i get the novel name in which a foreign girl found a letterof shivaji maharaj in devnagiri by her grand grand grandfathers and ti discover that letter she came to india and later she was murdered and the letter was missing..plz plz if anyone knows this novel name plz tell me

JARANGE SHIVAJI ARJUN writes on Sat Oct 1 04:31:33 2016:
Now days i read this book. the novel is so good.Ranjit Desai is a very good writer..!!!!SHIVAJI

वैभव जयंत गुप्ते writes on Tue Sep 6 10:42:55 2016:
मी श्रीमान योगी हे पुस्तक किमान १५-२० वेळा तरी वाचले असेल. हे पुस्तक माझ्या घरी आमच्या संग्रही ठेवले आहे. हे प्रत्येक भारतीय मनुष्याच्या हृदयामध्ये आपला देश व आपला धर्म याच्या प्रती आस्था पुत्पांना करण्यासाठी एक अत्यंत प्रेरणादायी स्त्रोत आहे, तसेच आयुष्यामध्ये स्वतःच्या मनगटाच्या जोरावर आपण काहीही करू शकतो असा आत्मविश्वास आपल्या हृदयामध्य उत्पन्न करण्याचे कार्यही हे पुस्तक अत्यंत प्रभावीपणे करते. त्या काळात मुसलमानांकडून हिंदुंवर अनन्वित अत्याचार होत असताना शिवाजी महाराजांनी आपल्या मराठी जमातीला एकत्र करून त्यांच्या अत्याचाराला अत्यंत प्रखर विरोध करून त्यांना त्यांच्याच भाषेत उत्तर दिले व हिंदुस्तानात सनातन धर्म जिवंत ठेवला. तसेच जुलुमाने मुसलमान झालेल्या पीडित हिंदूंना परत आपल्या स्वधर्मात घेण्यास सुरुवात करून सनातन धर्माचा होणारा ऱ्हास देखील प्रभावीपणे रोखला. अशा शिवाजी महाराजांच्या प्रेरणादायी इतिहासाला प्रत्येक हिंदुच्या हृदयात निश्चितपणे मनाचे स्थान मिळते यात काहीच आश्चर्य नाही.

shivaji ghadge writes on Sun Aug 21 20:41:26 2016:
jantechha raja mhanun tari ek vel vachhave ase pustak, aaplya pudhil piddhi sathi bhet mhanun dyavi ashi sundhar gatha.

shraddha utarande writes on Wed Jul 27 14:14:15 2016:
Mard maratha bhadkla BHAGVA zenda fadkla bhagto kay ragane panjaa marla waghane MAHARASHTRA aamcha shivaji rajancha, nahi konacha bapacha. JAY SHIVRAY

Devchand jadhav writes on Fri Jun 24 21:48:31 2016:
Jay shiv-shambhu

Dileep pathade writes on Thu Jun 9 18:41:46 2016:
छत्रपत्ती बद्दल इतके विष औकनारया लेखकाचा निषेद्ध निषेद्ध निषेद्ध च नाही तर आशा लेखकाना चपलाने मारवे

Rohit Jamdade writes on Sat Apr 30 16:06:33 2016: Must watch Mr. Waman Mishram..great intellectual Speaker.

pruthviraj dhawad writes on Tue Apr 26 18:33:16 2016:
Kharach khup changli kadambari ahe mi tar mhanto marathitach Kay bhartatlya saglya bhashet hi kadambari Ali pahije pan sambhaji maharjyan badal barach wait lihila ahe ... sambhaji maharaj badal thoda adar purvak lihayla pahi je hota karan jitaka shivaji rajyan baddal changla wa khara lihayla gela titakajh sambahji maharaja wishaee lihayla pahije

hemant solse writes on Sat Mar 26 08:30:42 2016:
bhagvya zhendyakhali ubha rahil to marathach.bhagvya zhendyasath ladhel to maratha mg to mahar aso va bhraman aso musalman aso ;to marathach

अरविंद सावंत writes on Sun Jan 3 13:08:14 2016:
श्रीमान योगी हे नावच फक्त माझ्या राजासाठी पुरेस आहे. माझा राजा देव नव्हता , पण त्याच्यामुळे आज देवळात देव आहे. हर हर महादेव.......

vikas writes on Mon Dec 14 11:57:48 2015:
Hats off to Shri. Ranjit Desai for his great literary work . Every Indian must read it to know why my king was SHRIMAN YOGI....

Sandeep babar writes on Thu Nov 26 09:39:36 2015:
Aamcha Raja chatrapti shivaji maharaj ,

Sagar Kulkarni writes on Mon Nov 2 12:08:03 2015:
आमच्या साठी भागवत गीते प्रमाणेच आहे. हिंदूह्दयसम्राट छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज हे आपले आराध्य दैवत. त्यांच्या महान कारकिर्दीविषयी जाणून घेण्यासाठी हि कादंबरी जरूर वाचा. महाराजांचा आदर्श समोर ठेऊन आपले वर्तन असे शुध्द ठेवा की भारताबाहेरील लोक म्हणाले पाहिजेत की 'कसा असेल तो महान राजा की ज्या मृत्यूच्या ४०० वर्षानंतर जन्माला येणारेही त्याचे इतके कट्टर भक्त होतात.' जय हिंद जय शिवराय

vinay londhe writes on Mon Aug 31 10:32:35 2015:
hi keval ek kadambarich navhe tar marathyancha etihas ahe jay jijau jay shivray

Praveen ingale writes on Thu Aug 27 09:58:36 2015:
19 february 1630 roji hindunsathi sakshat devanech avtar ghetla ya pruthvivar. Ani toch pude hiduncha rakshankarta zala. Hinduncha pahila raja mhanun raygadavar sakarlelya 32 mani soneri sinhasanavar stanapann houn hinduna 1 adhar dila ki bas ata dakkhan ani swarajya he aplech ahe. Shapat ghetli ki hi rayat mhanje amchi lekure. Amhi hicha potchya porapramane sambhal karu. Ani aaj 400 varshanatar hi mazya rajachi janmanusanchamadhe ji pratima ahe tila pahun ajun pan kutri ghabartat.

BHASKAR KRISHNAJI SURVE writes on Wed Aug 26 12:44:03 2015:
This is not book or Kadambari,this is immortal gift for all peoples.Hindu hruday samrat Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharajana manacha mujara.

Pawar writes on Tue Aug 18 16:55:26 2015:
Great book.. I read three times.. far better than raja shivchhatrapati by purandare.

Kishor Baban Thosar writes on Sat Jul 25 16:31:21 2015:
One of awesome and memorible book which i read in my life.. Hats off for you Ranjit Desai Sir. Jay Jijau. Jay Shivray. Dharmaveer sambhaji maharaj ki jayyy..!!! Wande mataram.!!!


Saurabh mayekar writes on Fri Jul 24 17:17:50 2015:
Kadambari chhan aahe pn sambhaji raje baddal etake vait ka bollay. 😡😡😡😡 chhatrapticha putra ksa asnar.?? He kalat nahi ka.? Aani lekhak...

NILESH SOMNATH GURAV writes on Sat Jun 27 23:01:00 2015:
I read this book in 2009 and know about chhatrapati shivaji maharaj he was great king of hindus in the world

JAYESH SHINDE writes on Fri Jun 26 03:15:39 2015:
Mazyakade more than 500 kgs one side papers ahet. mala te fadun na taakta, enviorment chy drustine use karyache ahet. jar MAHARAJANCHYA SHRIMAN YOGI sathi use zale tar changla hoil. Anybody can help me for this. Paper can be reusable. Please contact me on Jay Shivray

shreeram v sathe writes on Thu Jun 25 08:55:27 2015:
इन्द्र जिमि जृम्भा पर बाडव सअंभ पर रावण सदंभ पर रघुकुल राज है ! पवन बारिबाह पर संभु रतिनाह पर ज्यों सहसबाह पर राम द्विजराज हैं ! दावा दृमदंड पर चीता मृगझुन्द पर भूषण वितुण्ड पर जैसे मृगराज हैं ! तेज तमअंस पर कन्ह जिमि कंस पर त्यों म्लेंच्छ बंस पर शेर शिवराज हैं!!!!!!!!!!!

Vaibhav shewale karadkar writes on Sat Jun 20 12:53:12 2015:
Shivaji mharaj hi is king of histroy

DEEPAK writes on Tue May 26 14:18:51 2015:

SONAL S MORE writes on Thu Feb 19 09:14:46 2015:

Sachin writes on Thu Jan 29 19:40:07 2015:
हे फक्त पुस्तक म्हणजे फक्त कादंबरी नाही, हे एक मराठी सहित्यातील एक लेण च आहे. प्रत्येक मराठी व्यक्तीने एकदा तरी ल्यावच अस हे लेण आहे. आपल्या महाराजांची कीर्ती सा-या विश्वात जास्तीत जास्त पसरावी हीच इच्छा. संपूर्ण विश्वाला समजुदे आपला राजा काय होता ते! गो ब्राह्मणप्रतिपालक क्ष्यत्रीय कुलावतंस सिंहासनाधिश्वर महाराजाधिराज शिवछत्रपती महाराज !!!!

Samir Virkar writes on Sun Jan 25 10:17:02 2015:
हि कादंबरी आमच्या साठी भागवत गीते प्रमाणेच आहे. हिंदूह्दयसम्राट छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज हे आपले आराध्य दैवत. त्यांच्या महान कारकिर्दीविषयी जाणून घेण्यासाठी हि कादंबरी जरूर वाचा. महाराजांचा आदर्श समोर ठेऊन आपले वर्तन असे शुध्द ठेवा की भारताबाहेरील लोक म्हणाले पाहिजेत की 'कसा असेल तो महान राजा की ज्या मृत्यूच्या ४०० वर्षानंतर जन्माला येणारेही त्याचे इतके कट्टर भक्त होतात.' जय हिंद जय शिवराय

Rhushikesh Desai writes on Fri Nov 14 05:07:40 2014:
Book chan ahe...bharpur kahi shikayla bhetala.

SWAH PALANDE writes on Thu Oct 30 07:10:56 2014:

SWAH PALANDE writes on Thu Oct 30 07:03:25 2014:

Pravin Kadam writes on Wed Sep 17 11:45:24 2014:
Shreeman Yogi pustakane barach kahi shikavale mala.

NATH MAHADIK writes on Sat Sep 13 06:33:39 2014:

Sonia writes on Thu Aug 21 09:28:16 2014:
I have read Raja Shiv Chatrapati and loved it. But one of my frnd has insisted dat I read this too. After reading all des comments I am more than eager and shall order the book right away. Thank u all

dushyant writes on Thu May 1 12:08:31 2014:
Marathi sahityatil ek anmol theva sarvani vachavi ashi kadambari.

Mahendra writes on Sat Apr 26 05:59:47 2014:
Khupch chan. Pratyekane ekda tari wachaw ase pustak. Shivaji maharaj he mahan hote he saglyana ch mahit ahe, pan te ka mahan hote te he pustak wachal ki samajt …

Abhijeet writes on Thu Mar 20 09:57:26 2014:
Excellent History of Extraordinary person described very well. One gets into it when we start reading the book. We can feel the narration !

Rajesh Kunte writes on Wed Mar 19 16:26:32 2014:
I am reading this book since 2005. I have 2 sets of books with me. It is thrilling to read the book. I read the book so many times that even i can not count. There are 3 lead characters in whole book. 1. Jijamata @. Dadoji Konddev & 3. Shivaji Maharaj. For me the character of Moropant is also equally important. I feel very fortunate to be able to read this book in my life.

pridarshy ashoka writes on Tue Mar 4 02:47:15 2014:
i have read this book carefully. This book is very useful for students teachers and scholar who interest in shivaji maharaj ashoka t.u agartala

Gajanan Lokhande writes on Sat Feb 15 05:59:56 2014:
Khup chan aahe

pawar priyanka machindra writes on Thu Jan 30 07:37:52 2014:
nice book,so very nice history for maharastra. that gives after so many days things will be good.

Umesh writes on Fri Jan 10 12:25:39 2014:
Very good Novel.

Laxman Sondwalkar writes on Wed Jul 12 18:51:50 2006:
This is regarding a comment by Mr Bivalkar on this site - >>> Especially when so called Shivaji Charitrakar like Babasaheb Purandare make the childish descriptions of all his life stories and morals and add his own comments unncessary throughout the book 'Raja Shivchhtrapati' <<<<< Actually Babasaheb Purandare's biggest crime is not his writing but his surname, 'Purandare', if instead his name was Babasaheb Gaikwad or Babasaheb Jadhav, then his work would have been praised to the skies even when actually it would have been a work of ineptitude and absolute shoddiness

Anand D. More writes on Wed Jun 7 12:49:03 2006:
आयुषयात येऊन एकदा तरी वाचावॆ असॆ पूऱतक

Laxman sodanwar writes on Sat Apr 1 15:48:51 2006:
i dont have words to express this wonder about shivaji maharaj amchya rajyancha ha sanman pahun manachya kuthlya tari kopryatun aapan mavle aslyacha aavaz yeto-really thanks to all team behind creation of this book.

Laxman sodanwar writes on Sat Apr 1 15:45:03 2006:
Write your comments on the book here and click on 'Add My Comments'.

Balasaheb Purandare writes on Wed Mar 1 02:06:59 2006:
Hello Koni Tari yha pustakache Audio version ka nahi kaadat ? We are seeing so much controversy about Brahmin Marathi historians like Purandare and people are questioning their authencity. Why can't some of this Virodhis come togheter and create an audio version of non brahmin historian like Ranjit Desai and popularise this book.

Sandeep C. Shinde writes on Fri Feb 24 10:46:31 2006:
Write your comments on the book here and click on 'Add My Comments'. Atishay Sundar,he shabdcha apure padtil. Shivaji Maharaj dolyansamor ube thaktat. Kuthe tri mavlyanmadhe aapanhi ube aahot aani to itihas dolyasamor ghadt aahe ase anubhavle.

Annonymous writes on Wed Feb 22 23:42:22 2006:
Write your comments on the book here and click on 'Add My Comments'.

Gaurav Hombali writes on Sun Dec 25 14:35:41 2005:
SHREEMAAN YOGI according to me is not just a book giving information bout Shivaji maharaj but its more like a guide to anybody to rediscover & develop oneself !!!!!!! HATS OFF TO YOU Mr. RANJIT DESAI FOR GIVING THIS DIAMOND TO ALL THE READERS

tausif writes on Wed Dec 14 11:23:54 2005:
'shremanyogi' the best book on shivaji maharaj itsssssssssssssssss very good

Aadesh writes on Tue Dec 6 11:33:59 2005:
This is the link for the Indian translation - Enjoy !!!

rishi writes on Tue Dec 6 11:26:05 2005:
Hi Is this book available in English ? If anyone has information please email me ..

vinay writes on Sun Nov 20 10:12:59 2005:
Write your comments on the book here and click on 'Add My Comments'.

Nilesh Sakpal writes on Sun Sep 25 10:46:24 2005:
It was a lively maratha kingdom in front of me when I was travelling thorugh pages of this great KADAMBARI. The only thing that remained ananswered while reading this book is that nowhere Mr. RANJIT DESAI had mentioned the dates of the incidents, I understand its just because to avaoid controversy, to that extent its right thing but a good reader or RASIK will always expect the full information. Its long research that has been done, though its difficult to have exact date but a range or approximate dates will make this novel more lively. It is just a suggestion which left in my mind while reading. No doubt we all are thankful to Mr. Desai for writing this.

santosh chikhalikar writes on Fri Jul 8 11:37:53 2005:
I have read many books, amongst which SHRIMAN YOGI was the most sensitive and inspiring novel I found. It brings the change in your vision perspective, and attitude.Has any body visited the region of shayadri and mahabaleshwar, I hope many of you might.If yes, I would suggest that one should read this novel and again should visit to any of the places and just fell the difference in you vision towards the beauty of nature. In all I just wanted to say the novel is so marvellous that it will fill colours in your vision to see this world more colourful. Another importance of this novel is it as good as GEETA because it will teach you and guide you many things which are essential for a person to stand firm in storms, lead and grow great in your life with ethics and morals. Any way there are many thing which i want the reader to enjoy with the reading of the novel Jai Maharashtra

Chandrakant Ghanekar writes on Mon Jun 27 09:08:39 2005:
Write your comments on the book here and click on 'Add My Comments'. My Best Favourite book in my Life

Vijay writes on Mon May 30 05:33:29 2005:
The author has taken great efforts to write this great epic.I think Ranjit Desai is one of the best kadambarikaar.I have read this book twice.Undoubtedly Shivaji Raje was a Yugpurush.The language used in the book is simple and easy to understand.Some of the incidents are written in such a great way that it takes you in the scene.Even after completion of four decades the book is one of best in the marathi lit.

Shriman Yogi Marathi Book

Pravin writes on Tue May 3 04:51:09 2005:
This book is too good to describe in words. The flow of the language is griping. One gets involved as if it were really happening in front of ones eyes. Ranjit Desai has created a classic of it.

Shriman yogi marathi ebook telugu

Aniket writes on Thu Apr 21 18:08:17 2005:
Took my breath away...kept on wondering only if maharaj would have lived a little longer...a matchless commander,survivour.. I remember me n my frndz talkin endlessly about maharaj after reading this book...feel proud to be maharashtrian..HATS OFF to Ranjit Desai.

Piyush Pandya writes on Wed Apr 13 09:15:04 2005:
respected sir, i am 23 years old boy. from last one month iam attracting toward shivaji's character i dont know why but let me tell u i m intresting in buying your book but i have question that: i want full life story of shivaji which includes following points: 1] childhood of shivaji. 2] teenage of shivaji. 3] shivaji when young. 4] his fights against mugal. 5] love of jija mata. 6] shivaji's love towards his guru swami ramdash. 7] shivaji' way of life 8] shivaji's understanding towards his life sir in short everything regarding shivaji. sir can you please tell whether your book includes above everything and more then that because i want to purchae your book 'shriman yogi' and also give an address from which i can purchase this book. i am egarly waiting for your replay because i am very curiouse regading shivaji so please mail me soon. rgds, piyush

Pankaj Samel writes on Tue Mar 29 15:28:46 2005:
I have read both books i.e. Raja Shivchhatrapati by Babasaheb Purandare and Shriman Yougi by Ranjit Desai. Both this are books are on their own height. So, you can not compare the same. language of this book is simple and very heart touching, At the same, babasaheb purandare talkes about pre-shiviji era also and Shirman yogi directly starts talking from shivaji's birth. No evidence found regarding some incidents mention about Shivaji maharaj in their early childhood. Rest book is fine.

Nikhil Bapat writes on Thu Mar 10 06:16:06 2005:
Mind Blowing! You would just love this book. A story based on hard facts about Shivaji, is sure to create interest, love, and respect for the legend. I have already read it thrice and would be reading it many more times in life. Nikhil Bapat

Manoj S. Joshi writes on Wed Dec 22 08:02:02 2004:
Write your comments on the book here and click on 'Add My Comments'. Thsi is a wounderful writing which redefines live of Maharaj. All marathi speaking community should read this novel to understand heroic deeds of The Great Maharaj.

Mugdha Muley writes on Sun Aug 22 21:10:49 2004:
I read he book twice and each time it left me speechless. I felt as though , I was living in that period of time. The book describes the period aptly and takes us into the life of Great Maratha King.This is must read book.

Kshitij writes on Wed Aug 18 19:20:52 2004:
I read this book when I was a kid as an account of the great Maratha King and I was starstruck with the greatness of Shivaji. Then I read it again as a teenager and in college. This book is not just a historical account of the life of Shivaji like many other books. Ranjeet Desai wrote this book as if he lived with Shivaji. He portrayed him as a human first, a brave soldier, a just king second. He described also a hurting father, a grieving husband and loving son. The language makes you feel closer to Shivajiraje as a person than observe him as a king from a distance. I have always been a big fan of Ranjeet Desai. This book is one of his best books. I highly reccommend this book for anyone who wishes to read about the greatest Maratha king, Shivaji.

Sunil Dingankar writes on Wed Apr 21 14:27:58 2004:
I read Srimanyogi at a stretch. You cannot just stop reading once you start. In todays India what we see in politics. Every politician or the person who want to become a leader should read it. I felt so much proud to be born in Maharashtra.

Nandini Joshi writes on Mon Jul 21 04:40:26 2003:
Write your comments on the book here and click on 'Add My Comments'. I am interested in translation of Shrimaam Yogi in English by Dr.V.D.Kataambale and published by Balvant Printers Pune. Can u guide me where this book will be available? Nandini Joshi

Sandeep writes on Sat Apr 5 14:16:13 2003:
Too Good !!!!! Too Good !!!!! Too Good !!!!!

Prashant Bivalkar writes on Wed Oct 31 11:44:54 2001:
After reading this book, I just can't explain what i feel. But it was feeling of pride to be in maharashtra. I have read many books on Maharaj but the way Ranjith Desai has written the each incident was like I was the part of his Mavlas. Especially when so called Shivaji Charitrakar like Babasaheb Purandare make the childish descriptions of all his life stories and morals and add his own comments unncessary throughout the book 'Raja Shivchhtrapati' , Ranjith Desai has done a great job. One incident i'll not forget in my life. I was reading this book in a local train and I was reading the incident of Bajiprabhu Deshpande.As I ended the paragraph, my eyes were full of tears and people were watching at me but I couldn't stop those imotions. It's a one of the wonderful experinces I had ever experienced in my life. Overall great Book. Must read by every Indian.

Shriman Yogi Marathi Ebook Download

Tapan Kulkarni writes on Wed Mar 27 05:15:32 2002:
Sreemanyogi is the most engrossing,contemporary,magnificent emotional saga of Chattrapati Shivaji ,written with utmost sensitivity by Ranjit Desai.The life and times of Shivaji Maharaj have been aptly described.The book takes you to a spectrum of emotions and a ride that keeps you asking for more. No other historical book in Marathi can come close to Sreemanyogi in its language,sensitivity,portrayal of Shivaji Maharaj. Not even Swami!!!

Shriman Yogi Book Review In Marathi

umesh writes on Wed Jan 31 16:23:07 2001:
Write your comments on the book here and click on 'Add My Comments'. Now days i read this book. the novel is so good.Ranjit Desai is a very good writer. umesh

Shriman Yogi Marathi Book Free Download

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