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Now Shipping,Convert It , Mac is your solution for embroidery design access, browsing, unzipping, conversion, and more!
If you've been downloading or buying embroidery designs,you're ready for Convert It, Mac.
It's this simple; You can now view, unzip, colorize, print, thread convert and use those designs with your Mac!
And now Convert It Mac comes with a copy of the Embrilliance Thumbnailer included at no extra charge!
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Even if you're a digitzer, this is still the essential tool for you and all embroiderers: If you have designs on your Mac, then you need to be able to find them, view them, see their colors and stitch counts, design dimensions, etc. Imagine looking inside a zip file without opening it, viewing the design, it's stitch count, it's modification date, etc. and the thumbnail next to it shows the original art too! To use it, simply drag the design to your USB stick, or to a machine, or write a Designer 1 disk or USB. You're ready to sew. Maybe you want to print a template? Colorize the design? Convert it to a particular machine format? These are jobs that every embroiderer does, no matter what their skill level.
Click on image to view full-size:Design Conversion:
Note: We often get asked if we can convert a JPEG or vector image into embroidery. But, there is no such thing as 'conversion' from an image or vector file into embroidery. They are unrelated types of files. The concept is called 'Auto Digitizing' but no one has ever made it work very well. (Yet!) So, we are sorry, but Convert It, Mac is not an autodigitizing program.
Key Features Include:
Browse embroidery designs, images, text files and even files in zips such as those you find on the internet!
View as thumbnails or table view with extended information such as file date, thread usage, stitch count and more.
Convert designs between different embroidery formats including most home embroidery machine types. Colorize designs in PES and VP3 with thread brands. Possibilities include ARC, Isacord, Hemingworth, RA, Madeira, Sulky and many more.
Includes the Embrilliance Thumbnailer for Mac which lets you see embroidery designs in Finder.
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- Auto Baste will baste the rectangular outline of a design.
- Automatically create design notes, including a thread shoppinglist.
- Estimate the thread usage for a design.
- Create an image of a design for print, re-digitizing or theweb.
- Prints out both design thumbnails and actual size templates whichcan be used for design placement.
- Centers designs automatically.
- Drag and drop designs right to a floppy or USB stick for instantuse in most machines.
Browse designs, images, text files and even zips!
When you want to embroider, one of the first steps is finding adesign for use in your machine. Without Convert It, Mac yourdesigns have only names. The Mac's Finder can't show you the stitchcount, design size, thread colors or any other information about thedesign.
Designs are often released in .ZIP files, which reduce the size ofa collection, making it easier to download and duplicate. The problemis that in order to use designs, you have to unzip them. This usuallymeans one of two things; now you have two copies of the designs -somewhere - or you have the knowledge and time to decide whether tokeep the unzipped versions, and keep them organized.
Of course, using those designs means unzipping them. But whatabout those times when you get a 'Corrupt Zip Entry'? Well, Convert Itcan safely make use of those too, and you won't even have to know.
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Convert designs between most home embroidery machine formats
Convert It, Mac is a seriously good translator for embroiderydesigns. It understands virtually every design, and can write at leastone format that every machine out there today can understand.
Auto Baste will baste the rectangular outline of a design
If you have ever wanted to embroider a towel, you probably floateda layer of water-soluble stabilizer over top of the hoop. The problemis that this could use some anchoring stitches before the embroiderystarts - this prevents the stabilizer from moving around. There used tobe kind digitzers who would put various versions of 'basting files' outfor us on the internet. Later, some machines had the feature built-in.But have you noticed that if the baste is the same size as the design,you can trap some of the basted threads under the design. TheAuto-Baste solves this by making the baste stitching ever-so-much-biggerthan the design. And it is adjustable.
Automatically create design notes, including a shopping listfor your thread
The design size, stitch count, thread usage per color, and moreare wonderful information to have. You can also open the TXT file inyour editor, such as TextEdit.
But also, it generates a shopping list for thread; Convert Itexamines the threads used by the digitizer and matches them in Sulky,RA, Madeira and Isacord. Then it also provides you with the nearestthree matches in each of those four brands.
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Color Sort intelligently reduces the number of times youhave to re-thread your machine

Unlike some other programs, the Color Sort feature is'intelligent'. It won't mess up your design, but if any color isrepeated, and that repetition can be avoided by sewing that color onlyonce all at the same time, then the design sequence is changed toaccomplish it. The result is the same design with fewer color changes.And you have full control over how 'picky' you want your color sort tobe.
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Mac users have been left out of embroidery for a long time -dating back to the early nineties when Pfaff had a Mac version. Why?
Much of the core technology for embroidery formats is MicrosoftWindows(tm) based. In order to create this product, we had to createthose technologies on Mac first. That isn't easy! It has taken over twoyears to make Convert it! Mac.
There are only a handful of people in the entire worldwho have the knowledge and skill to write software for these machines(We have two of them), so you can see why it hasn't been common. Infact, some of the biggest players in the world use our technologies intheir PC software!
At events with embroiderers we routinely ask who are our Macusers. The results are typically 2-3%. And half of those have already'broken-down' and put Windows on their Mac. Naturally the biggercompanies feel fine with this. But we thought you'd prefer to have itnative on the operating system you feel at home with; OS X 10.4 and10.5 (Tiger and Leopard) And you can run on your PowerPC Macs too -this is a universal binary.
Why is Convert It, Mac so essential? I want todigitize and edit.
The first thing you need to develop when writing software forembroidery machines is the formats which are read by the machines. Thatis a huge process. Every embroiderer needs this because in order to usea design, you might need to see it, unzip it, convert it, find out whatsize it is, what are the colors, etc.
One of the most useful tools has always been conversion andcataloging software. Not everybody needs to edit, but they will need to see their designs so they can select the right one for theirmachines.
Convert It, Mac is all about enabling embroiderers. This productmakes it possible to use your embroidery designs with your Mac and nothave to fire up Windows!
Designer 1 utility now included: There is even acomplete utility for Viking Designer 1 and Designer USB users! Thoseusers have been forced to use a PC with other expensive software. Notanymore!
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Don't worry; we're working on an editor and a digitizer too!
Is Convert It, Mac more expensive than a Windows program?
Viking Disk Manager $179
Catalog XPress $149 (Few formats)
Buzz Explore $169 (Not as many formats)
Parallels $79 + Windows $103 = $182
Convert It, Mac handlesthe Viking Designer 1, reads and writes more formats, and does morethan the others for just $129!

Embroidery on a Mac - priceless!
And now Convert It Mac comes with a copy of the Embrilliance Thumbnailer included at no extra charge!
Free Png To Pes Converter For Mac Os

Free Png To Pes Converter For Mac Computer
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